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传奇海盗哥尔•D•罗杰在临死前曾留下关于其毕生的财富“One Piece”的消息,由此引得群雄并起,众海盗们为了这笔传说中的巨额财富展开争夺,各种势力、政权不断交替,整个世界进入了动荡混乱的“大海贼时代”。
  生长在东海某小村庄的路飞受到海贼香克斯的精神指引,决定成为一名出色的海盗。为了达成这个目标,并找到万众瞩目的One Piece,路飞踏上艰苦的旅程。一路上他遇到了无数磨难,也结识了索隆、娜美、乌索普、香吉、罗宾等一众性格各异的好友。他们携手一同展开充满传奇色彩的大冒险……
  本片根据日本漫画家尾田荣一郎超人气漫画原作《One Piece》改编。

Plot Summary:There once lived a pirate named Gol D. Roger. He obtained wealth, fame, and power to earn the title of Pirate King. When he was captured and about to be executed, he revealed that his treasure called One Piece was hidden somewhere at the Grand Line. This made all people set out to search and uncover the One Piece treasure, but no one ever found the location of Gol D. Roger's treasure, and the Grand Line was too dangerous a place to overcome. Twenty-two years after Gol D. Roger's death, a boy named Monkey D. Luffy decided to become a pirate and search for Gol D. Roger's treasure to become the next Pirate King.